No. 1
Zur Rolle und Bedeutung wissenschaftlicher Fachgesellschaften

In der gedruckten Fassung gibt es keinen Abstract zu diesem Beitrag. 

Seite 9-20, Heft 1/1990, Band 1
“L2 Classroom Research”: Die Erforschung des gesteuerten Fremdsprachenerwerbs

The following article presents a critical survey of the history of “L2 classroom research” as a part of second language acquisition research. An attempt is made to define the meaning and the extent of classroom research and to systematize the main developmental stages of research and research problems in this area. Emphasis is laid on ways of analyzing classroom discourse by means of methods of discourse analysis. Some hints are given for the application of the findings and for carrying out research theoretically and empirically in the future. A selected bibliography offers help for further orientation in the field.


Seite 21-61, Heft 1/1990, Band 1
Interkulturelle Kommunikation

The article outlines the practical relevance of the study of intercultural communication, its multi-facetted nature and its multi-disciplinary roots. Intercultural communication is defined as a particular type of interpersonal communication, and dimensions of cultural differences in interpersonal communication are described. The article characterises the two major approaches (contrastive and interactional) in analysing intercultural communication and, furthermore, discusses the improvement of intercultural communication skills as an educational objective as well as methods for teaching.

Seite 62-93, Heft 1/1990, Band 1