The present study aims to investigate, in selected linguistic domains, the development of competence in German as a second language among students from non-German speaking backgrounds. As yet, detailed insights into the characteristics and development of such learner varieties are scarce, although they could provide a basis for targeted language support. The present analysis focuses on the language proficiency manifested in authentic and semi-authentic communicative situations. Within the framework of a qualitative study, it aims to describe the development of complex means of expression and the acquisition of linguistic devices that establish coherence relations. To this end, the acquisition of German as a second language of eight students whose first language is Russian or Turkish is to be charted over a two-year period. Furthermore, the forms of instructional input and support provided in remedial language lessons during the period of observation are to be assessed, making it possible to formulate hypotheses about how the content covered in certain phases of language instruction affects the acquisition process.
No. 14
Zu allen ZFF Ausgaben
Förderunterricht und Deutsch-als-Zweitsprache-Erwerb. Eine longitudinale Untersuchung zur mündlichen Sprachkompetenz bei Schülerinnen und Schülern nicht-deutscher Herkunftssprache (ndH) in Berlin
Seite 291-300, Heft 2/2003, Band 14
Die Professionskultur von EnglischlehrerInnen. Eine berufsbiographisch orientierte, struktur- und handlungstheoretische Untersuchung
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