No. 15
Mono- und biliterale Erwerbsprozesse bei Migrantenkindern

The acquisition of literacy in a second language has become a major concern throughout the world especially for minority students. This paper reflects on the relevance of literacy in the home language of minority students as a factor of language maintenance and bilingualism. A short review of evaluation studies of bilingual programs and of theories underlying bilingual education, such as facilitation-theory and time-on-task-theory, will be followed by an outline of the concept of functional biliteracy and of some of the pedagogical implications for developing biliteracy skills in mainstream classes.

Seite 3-29, Heft 1/2004, Band 15
Eine agglutinierende Zielsprache. Wie Deutsche finnische Negation lernen

Second language acquisition is influenced by many factors. One of the most important background variables is the source language. This article looks at different ways of learning Finnish for Estonians and Germans. Starting from the hypothesis that typological closeness of source and target language helps the beginning learner, Finnish negation is investigated through learners’ recorded oral productions. Their analysis shows that the Estonians’ cognate language background can also lead to errors based on wrong assumptions of similarity which do not occur among the German learners who instead apply declarative information. To some extend also positive transfer could be observed but was often compensated for by the German learners’ consistent reasoning.

Seite 31-53, Heft 1/2004, Band 15
Über berufliches Selbstverständnis nachdenken. Entwicklung, Durchführung und Evaluation eines Bausteins für Lehrerfortbildungsveranstaltungen im Bereich Fremdsprachen

Es ist bekannt, dass Lehrer entgegen ihrer Absicht das in Fortbildungsveranstaltungen erworbene Wissen oft nicht oder nicht adäquat umsetzen. Eine empirische Untersuchung der Verfasserin ergab, dass Gründe für dieses Verhalten auch im beruflichen Selbstverständnis der Lehrer liegen können. Auf der Basis dieser Untersuchung wurde ein Baustein für Lehrerfortbildungsveranstaltungen entwickelt, der die Teilnehmer im Zusammenhang mit dem Fortbildungsthema anhand der Beschäftigung mit "Fällen" aus der Untersuchung zur Reflexion über ihr eigenes berufliches Selbstverständnis animieren soll. Der Beitrag stellt die Konzeption des Bausteins sowie seine beispielhafte Erprobung in drei Fortbildungsveranstaltungen dar. Dabei wird der Nutzen des Bausteins aus Sicht der Teilnehmer und aus Sicht der Forscherin bewertet und diskutiert.

Seite 55-78, Heft 1/2004, Band 15
Evaluation einer Zusatzqualifikation zum Bilingualen Unterricht (Englisch) im Rahmen eines Lehramtsstudiengangs

This article describes the development and evaluation of an additional qualification in bilingual teaching in English recently introduced at Hamburg University by the Institute of Language Education for students preparing for initial teacher certification.


The qualification requires the participants to study an additional eleven semester hours and to spend one year in an English speaking country as a student or German teaching assistant. This qualification is a great opportunity for students of English who also study a second subject like history, geography, PE or any science, as these subjects are frequently taught in English in schools with a bilingual stream.


In the introductory seminar A, the students are given theoretical insights as well as practical experience in bilingual teaching. All eight Hamburg schools with bilingual streams cooperate with the university in providing teaching practice placements for the students. The Hamburg School Authorities support this programme by awarding participating teachers a weekly reduction of their teaching load of 1.5 hours. The teachers also cooperate in the preparatory seminar A, and help students with practical information such as how to plan a lesson etc.


In the second seminar B, students are taught to develop and complete an empirical research project on bilingual teaching.


This additional qualification is supported and recognised by the Hamburg School Authorities and, if completed successfully, it is certified in the State Exam.


The additional qualification has been evaluated by testing important aspects of students’ competence, such as their language and didactic proficiency as well as their ability to find, select and develop materials appropriate for bilingual teaching. Strengths and weaknesses of the programme are discussed and suggestions for improvement are made.


This additional qualification for bilingual teaching, although newly developed, has already been proven to be popular by students and has been well received in the local educational community.

Seite 79-108, Heft 1/2004, Band 15