No. 16
Mündliche Fehlerkorrektur im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Ein Blick auf neuere empirische Untersuchungen

Although oral error correction in the foreign-language classroom did not become the focus of empirical research until relatively late, a number of studies have now been publishes:

  1. descriptively oriented studies of the wide variety of forms and structure of error-correction sequences as well as learner / teacher attitudes;
  2. studies on the effect of oral correction based on different success criteria (learner perception of correction, direct learner response, correct use in a later test).


The following article looks at the learning theory background, central issues and main findings of the different groups of studies. A critical appraisal of the different research methods used is an additional focus. Finally, an outline will be given of possible areas of future research.

Seite 3-21, Heft 1/2005, Band 16
Subjektmodelle. Implikationen für die Theoriebildung und Forschungsmethodologie der Sprachlehr- und Sprachlernforschung

Models of man (also called images of man) are specific concepts of that a human being is. In this article the construct “model of man” is discussed from different perspectives including cognitive science, anthropology of education, and phenomenology. Models of man such as man as a computer have a strong impact on the way we see and think of reality and thereby determine – often implicitly – theory construction and research methodology. It is argued that in order to be amenable to rational criticism the models of man underlying the various theories and research methodologies in the field of language learning and teaching should be made explicit. In the last part of the article the Research Programme Subjective Theories and its dialogue-hermeneutical research methodology are described as a positive instance of an approach which is explicitly grounded in a model of man as a reflective, intentional, communicative and autonomously acting human being.

Seite 23-56, Heft 1/2005, Band 16
Mode, Mythos, Möglichkeiten oder: Ein Versuch, die Patina des Lernziels ,kommunikative Kompetenz’ abzukratzen

The article discusses the concept of communicative competence as suggested by Dell Hymes and Jürgen Habermas and its reception in second language research in West Germany in the 1970s. Taking Hymes’ and Habermas’ conceptions of communicative competence as starting points, the author argues that although they have been traditionally conceived of as the two origins of the communicative paradigm, Hymes and Habermas would more appropriately be considered false friends. Furthermore, reconsidering Hymes’ and Habermas’ approaches to communicative competence also reveals that their respective conceptions cannot be interpreted as the theoretical basis of what has become known as communicative competence today requires, inter alia, thorough reflections of both Hymes’ and Habermas’ theoretical considerations as well as of the discrepancy between the utopian ideal of egalitarian discourse (Habermas) and the social, anthropological and cultural dimensions of communication (Hymes). Communicative competence is subsequently discussed as (a) a myth, (b) an instance of zeitgeist, and (c) a theoretical construct that deserves re-consideration. Reflections of the origins of communicative language teaching today, then, may allow us to reframe communicative competence as an alternative concept in current mainstream discourses on language education.

Seite 57-87, Heft 1/2005, Band 16