No. 16
Lautes Denken als Forschungsinstrument in der Fremdsprachenforschung

The think-aloud method is used in many empirical studies and is regarded as an important tool within the field of second language acquisition research. It is used to gain insight into cognitive processes. However, few studies include a critical reflection on the cognitive basis which this method is based upon. Furthermore, central terms such as ‘introspection’, ‘verbal protocol’ or ‘think aloud-protocol’ are used in different ways which makes it difficult to compare results among studies.

After clarifying central terms, this paper discusses the think-aloud method and its critics and compares it to other forms of verbalisation which, although similar on the surface level, show crucial differences with regard to what kind of data is elicited. Special emphasis is laid upon the question in which language think-aloud protocols should be carried out in second language research.


Seite 163-185, Heft 2/2005, Band 16
Fremdsprachenunterricht in Deutschland in der Jahrgangsstufe 12 im Europäischen Jahr der Sprachen (200/1)

Herbert Christ zum 75. Geburtstag


This paper carries out a detailed survey of the learners’ quota who study foreign languages in the twelfth form of German grammar schools (Sekundarstufe II) in 2000/2001. As Federal German statistics do not distinguish between the so called ‘intensive’ and ‘normal’ courses (Leistungs- und Grundkurse), it seems to be for the first time that quantitative foreign language research succeeds in describing the different populations with regard to the different types of courses. As the evaluation proceeds with regard to European orientations – the Council of Europe demands that the greatest possible number of European pupils learn at least two languages of the Union apart from the mother tongue -, this paper quantifies in what dimension the various learner succeed (or fail) in achieving quantitative European educational standards.

Seite 187-216, Heft 2/2005, Band 16
Erwerb und Verlust von Fremdsprachen. Pilotstudien zum Verlust der L2 Französisch

The following study deals with the correlation between language attrition in the L2 French and motivation to learn this language. Within the scope of the survey 98 students were interviewed regarding their language attrition in the L2 French in the domains speaking and reading comprehension. Altogether, a substantial language loss was asserted in both domains, however, the test persons who showed a higher motivation assessed their abilities higher than those with a lower motivation. A negative correlation could be detected between integrative and instrumental orientation, respectively, and the degree of the L2 attrition. Additionally, it was found that the L2 attrition is not affected by the length of the period of learning and incubation. Furthermore, the study revealed that after the end of the learning process the overall contact with the French language had been very sparse. It turned out that motivation in general is the crucial factor for a further occupation with the language and that integrative oriented test persons had the most frequent language contact.

Seite 217-233, Heft 2/2005, Band 16
"Das Mädchen liebt auch in der Sprache nicht den Begriff…" Zur Bedeutung der neueren Fremdsprachen für die höhere Mädchenbildung in Deutschland im letzten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts

Questions about which languages are to be taught – when, why and to what extend – in the German school system have been under discussion over the past few years, for example in the context of foreign language learning and teaching in primary schools. At times, a backward glance can provide enlightening perspectives on what is often considered a brand new issue. This article focuses on a similar debate about the choice and the ranking of modern foreign languages in higher schools for girls in Germany that took place in the last third of the 19th century. Traces of this public discussion can be found in respective journals and are investigated in the context of educational policy and institutional frameworks. Thus the important role modern languages in general and English in particular have played in the shaping of a concept of higher education for girls is classified; in this way, new light can be shed on the current debate, which had previously been initiated, albeit under different circumstances.

Seite 235-260, Heft 2/2005, Band 16
Bilingualität in der Biologie – eine Anforderung der Hochschule?

The number of bilingual Biology classes in Germany has increased considerably over the last ten years. As opposed to Humanities being taught bilingually with a view to cultural exchange, Science is taught bilingually with a view to the international character of research in this field


The following article illustrates to which extend different languages are indeed used in a Faculty of Biology at a German university. One may ask in how far bilingual Science classes can or shall prepare for this reality at universities.

Seite 261-274, Heft 2/2005, Band 16