No. 20
'Englisch als Fremdsprache' auf dem global-lokalen Prüfstand

Nobody will seriously call into question the fact that English has now become the world's global lingua franca. The implications for the teaching of such a language, however, are still highly contentious among ELT (English language teaching) professionals. In my paper I want to examine recent trends in ELT demonstrating why the traditional paradigm of 'English as a foreign language' is no longer adequate and needs to be complemented by components which take into account the lingua franca uses of English worldwide. After a brief outline of the paper's conceptual framework I will consider the following ELT-related issues:

1. the contexts and the ways in which English is learned and used today

2. the most significant controversial conceptual issues

3. redent findings revealing the language attitudes of students and teachers of English.

Finally, preliminary suggestions are made for a lingua france-inclusive re-orientation of ELT recommending an even greater focus on the strategic flexibility as part of the learner's communicative competence.

Seite 3-36, Heft 1/2009, Band 20
Formelhaftigkeit und Kreativität im frühen Fremdsprachenlernen

In the process of second language acquisition, it is useful to know whether learners use primarily formulas, or whether they are already able to use utterances generated by rules. The present paper shows how formulas can be identified by investigating data from children learning English at primary school. In this context, the spoken interaction in the target language largely consists of formulaic utterances that are used in predictable situations. It becomes clear that, when identifying formulas in the learner language, the overall linguistic development and the status of formulas in the acquisition process must be taken into account.

Finally, implications for the teaching and learning of English are discussed. It is argued that the active participation in meaningful spoken interaction and the chance to use the language creatively have a positive effect on the acquisition process.


Seite 37-71, Heft 1/2009, Band 20
Die Rolle der Sprachenzentren an europäischen Hochschulen: Das Wulkow Memorandum

Durch den Bologna-Prozess und die damit verbundenen Internationa- lisierungstrategien der europäischen Hochschulen und nicht zuletzt durch die Sprachenpolitik der Europäischen Union ist die hochschulspezifische Fremdspra- chenausbildung stärker als bisher in den Vordergrund gerückt. Führten die Hoch- schulsprachenzentren bis zur Mitte der 90er Jahre eher ein Mauerblümchendasein, so kommt ihnen heute eine zentrale Rolle bei der Ausbildung der Studierenden zu. Die Integration der Sprachenausbildung in die Studienfächer, ECTS-Punkte für Leistungen beim Fremdsprachenlernen und nicht zuletzt die Bemühungen vieler Hochschulen, den Studierenden ein breites Angebot an Schlüsselqualifikationen mit einer qualitativ hochwertigen Sprachenausbildung im Zentrum zu bieten, sind dafür entsprechende Evidenz.

Seite 111-116, Heft 1/2009, Band 20