The linguistic support in educational institutions plays a key role for the acquisition of a second language by children. Therefore, it is important to be able to describe the children’s linguistic progress through adequate and versatile methods (language proficiency assessment, classroom observation, interviews to/questionnaires for parents and teachers). The MEB I and II project deals with the linguistic, social and institutional environment of children with a migrant background growing up in South Tyrol (Northern Italy). MEB aims at providing teachers with decision-making aids for the assessment of language proficiency and a valid support strategy for pupils in heterogeneous groups.
No. 20
Zu allen ZFF Ausgaben
Was müssen Lehrkräfte können und kennen? - Die Rolle der Lehrkräfte beim kindlichen Erwerb mehrerer Sprachen unter Migrationbedingungen
Seite 247-260, Heft 2/2009, Band 20
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