In this project we are interested in finding corroborating systematic, qualitative and quantitative empirical evidence of our experience in the classroom that learners of German as L3 with French L2 generally have higher levels of text competencies and writing skills than do learners of German as L3 with English L2. The prevailing belief that knowledge of English provides an optimal basis for learning German as a foreign language seems to hold true only in the case of receptive skills, such as the text comprehension. Our objectives include collecting written student texts by engineering students who have German as an L3. The samples will be analyzed and contrasted for their degree of coherence, cohesion, and comprehensibility on the basis of their previous foreign language knowledge.
No. 21
Zu allen ZFF Ausgaben
Transferprozesse beim Produzieren deutschsprachiger wissenschaftlicher Texte von ausländischen NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen mit Englisch bzw. Französisch als erster Fremdsprache - Vorüberlegungen zu dem Forschungsprojekt Transfer und Textkompetenz DaFnE/
Seite 249-259, Heft 2/2010, Band 21
ZFF Ausgaben >>