No. 22
Reflexive Lehrerbildung: Konzepte und Perspektiven für den Einsatz von Unterrichtssimulation und Videographie in der fremdsprachdidaktischen Ausbildung

The model of reflective teacher education emanates from an action-based, emotional and cognitive preoccupation with learning conditions, resumptions, and competences of future French and Spanish teachers.

In the following, the model is theoretically substantiated by pointing out competence models, philosophies of education and theories of the self. Then, first results of three sequential empirical research projects will be presented.

In a pilot study conducted in a master course, different forms of simulated microteaching units were analzyed for their potential in foreign language teacher education. This model was then transferred to an introductory course in foreign language didactics.

In a third step, it is shown which reflective steps students take while analyzing their own video-recorded teaching practices or recorded micro-teaching units of in-service teachers.

Seite 3-41, Heft 1/2011, Band 22
Hilfreich oder ohne praktischen Nutzen? - Die Forschung zur mündlichen Fehlerkorrektur im Zweit- und Fremdsprachenunterricht

This paper aims to give an overview of second language learning acquisition research on oral corrective feedback. It takes a short glimpse at its historical development and surveys attempts to classify corrective feedback strategies as well as the main theoretical strands that inform this predominantly cognitive-interactionist research. Results of both laboratory and classroom studies that compare different feedback types are discussed in detail. Corrective feedback is presented as a highly complex phenomenon whose impact on the learner's language system is influenced by a multitude of learner internal and external factors. This complexity renders that fit all situations. However, the authors argue that the research so far helps to better understand the functioning of corrective feedback and provides practioners with valuable information they can apply to their specific instructional contexts.

Seite 43-84, Heft 1/2011, Band 22
Von der Rezeption zur Handlungskompetenz: Bildungsstandards und ihre Konsequenzen für unterrichtliches Handeln

The basic concern of this contribution is the question whether German teachers of French in lower secondary classes have already followed the principles of the German Educational Standards such as output, competence and task orientation, and what difficulties they have received so far. The results suggest that only some of the theory-based difficulties being proposed by the researchers have posed a challenge for the teachers, who are mostly familiar with the Educational Standards for the First Foreign Language (KMK 2003, 2004). However, the results allow the conclusion that innovative measures in education - such as these principles - cannot be successfully implemented in pedagogic-didactic practice if they are only regulated by educational administration. The teachers agree that the proposals for the implementation of the standards for teaching development given by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cutural affairs (KMK 2009) should be followed. Next to a support by professionals in education, they suggest as a core task the improvement of teacher education and traning as well as the provision of appropriate teaching material in order to be successful.

Seite 85-111, Heft 1/2011, Band 22