No. 24
(Frühe) Schrifteinführung im Englischunterricht - Überlegungen zu Zeitpunkt und Methode auf Grundlage von psycholinguistischen Studien

In elementary school, foreign language learning (dominantly English) is common in German-speaking countries and has a strong focus on verbal communication during the early years. It is, however, controversially discussed whether or not written skills should be taught as well, when exactly they should be introduced, and what method of teaching is most adequate. Empirical findings from psycholinguistic studies are important in order to develop evidence-based methods of best practice. In the current review we focus on word recoding skills and discuss research investigating the impact of early contact on written English and findings on the interference of the native language orthography. We also present evidence on recoding strategies among English native speakers as well as among German learners of English, and their experience-based developmental changes. The main conclusion based on this review is that the teaching of English orthography to German learners should follow a systematic approach based on the particular orthographic structure of words.


Seite 3-27, Heft 1/2013, Band 24
Mehrsprachigkeit und Mehrkulturalität im Unterricht der romanischen Sprachen: begriffliche, empirische und unterrichtspraktische Perspektiven

The project described in this article is situated in the field of research on pluri­lingualism/pluriculturalism as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe 2001). During the last years, many didactical resources have been developed to foster plurilingual and transfer-based language learning. Yet, these are mostly conceived as additional material or project-work without any relation to what is scheduled in the 'every-day' use schoolbook. The project aims to close this gap and will work out two approaches: First, an inquiry among foreign language teachers aiming to explore knowledge, attitudes and educational practices concerning plural approaches. Second, the development of teaching and learning material in a scenario of collaborative action research with teachers of French and Spanish. The implementation and evaluation of the material will be reconstructed via group discussions and the analysis of the students’ produced texts.

Seite 29-50, Heft 1/2013, Band 24
"Sprachförderung und sprachliche Bildung beginnen im eigenen Kopf": Subjektive Theorien von ErzieherInnen zu Mehrsprachigkeit und sprachlicher Bildung - Eine qualitative Studie in der bilingualen Kita der TU Darmstadt

Despite the fact that, or perhaps even because kindergartens have been upgraded to serve as places of linguistic education, they are now permanently subject to discussions about their quality. Educators are increasingly being made responsible for successful language acquisition by children. It is still controversial whether a successful language acquisition environment for children can only be created by educators who have formal training in language learning/teaching and linguistics. This article presents a research project which investigates the subjective theories on multilingualism and language education held by educators, thereby contributing to the on-going discussion about multilingual kindergartens. Using the context of early childhood language learning in kindergartens and the particular features of this field of research as its basis, the article demonstrates how the subjective theories of educators can be ascertained using a five-step methodology consisting of observation, videography, interviews, "Strukturlegetechnik" and qualitative content analysis.


Seite 51-70, Heft 1/2013, Band 24
Vorschläge für ein neues Modell zur Beschreibung und Analyse lexikalischer Kompetenz

Although vocabulary plays an important role in the foreign language lesson, it is not widely discussed in the professional literature available in German. With reference to the contemporary approach to teaching vocabulary and existing models of lexical competence, i.e. those mostly developed in English-speaking countries, and published in professional publications and in GeR, we wish to start a discussion about an entirely new understanding of the notion of lexical competence. We propose to divert from lexical competence seen as an aggregate of multiple elements, and to replace it with a new model, in which lexical competence is based on sub-components. Hence, in the present article we first clarify the notion of competence. Then the notion of vocabulary is also clarified, indicating various components involved in knowing a word, which are reflected in our new concept of lexical competence. In this article also a few new sub-components of lexical competence are proposed, of which two, i.e. word-formation competence and collocational competence together with lexical strategies, are more closely described. Finally, some suggestions concerning the new model of lexical competence are sketched out.


Seite 71-108, Heft 1/2013, Band 24