This article reviews research findings and research instruments from 29 studies on cognitive activation (kognitive Aktivierung), one out of three dimensions of instructional quality, in foreign language education conducted in German-speaking countries. Within this context, it addresses three questions: (1) How is the construct cognitive activation defined? (2) What methods are employed to research cognitive activation? (3) What empirical findings on cognitive activation have been published? The review findings indicate that a theoretically sound definition of cognitive activation in foreign language education has yet to be developed. In the majority of studies, the construct of cognitive activation is operationalized generically and measured using student and teacher questionnaires. Insight into the effects of cognitive activation is limited due to a lack of empirical findings and valid research instruments.
At what grade level should the teaching of English (as a first foreign language) begin? To what extent is an early start at school more conducive to learning success than a later one? These two questions are the point of departure of numerous national and international studies. Although parents, along with teachers, are responsible for their children's education, there is comparably little work that captures their perspective. The article presents results from the project "Parental perspectives on the onset of English Language Education/Englischunterrichtsbeginn aus Elternsicht" (EUBE), in which 2645 parents with children at primary school were surveyed in 2022. The analyses show that parents prefer an early start of English language education in primary school. The justifications for an early or late starting point show a differentiated view of the topic. In addition, the open answers indicate that parents have distinct ideas about the quality of instruction and teaching methods for English in primary school.