No. 4
Zur Ausbildung einer fachsprachlichen Handlungsfähigkeit bei Schülerinnen und Schülern mit der Herkunftssprache Russisch

The project Essen Integration Model is to do with the cultural assimilation and linguistic integration of emigrants from the former Soviet Union. Most of the children and juveniles of Russian-speaking origin possess very little or no knowledge of German when they arrive in the Federal Republic. These pupils who are used to German as a Foreign Language courses face increasing language difficulties when they join regular school classes already in progress. At this stage, it is not any more the language rather the knowledge of the subject matter which lies at the forefront of the aim-of-learning. However, at the same time, capability in technical language is relevant especially when the subject matter of the teaching is imparted through technical texts.

The comprehension of school subject-specific texts can be assessed more reliably when the pupils are given the chance to reflect on the texts in German as well as in their native language. As the next stage, we are anxious to know with which strategy of comprehension the difficulties in understanding which have come up amongst the pupils can be met. Here also the recourse to Russian makes sense, above all if there is as yet not enough cognitive basis in German to mould the learning process in one language. Leaving the school learning situations behind the fostering of bilingualism should also be of educational and socio-political concern.

Seite 4-38, Heft 2/1993, Band 4
Merkmale verstehens- und behaltensfördernder kontextueller Bedeutungserklärungen. Ergebnisse aus einem empirischen Projekt

On the basis of an empirical project this article describes the variables which should be considered in constructing contextual explanations (examples) intended to increase the comprehension and retention of world material. The effects of the variables discussed here have been tested within a partly hypothesis-testing, quantitative design. Additional learner-internal data have been gathered employing retrospective procedures.

Seite 39-55, Heft 2/1993, Band 4
Hochschul-Kooperation in der europäischen Lehrerausbildung: Das RIF-Programm

This article is concerned with academic staff and students in Europe engaged in cooperation projects, and deals with linguistic, professional, and cultural factors that influence the cooperation. It appears useful to focus on the participants themselves because the idea of a European Dimension in teacher training cannot be considered in isolation from the people who disseminate it: Europe is built by human beings. As highly involved – but critical – participant I would like to initiate a process of reflection and cooperation, which might lead to new forms of cooperation. Language plays its part here. In addition my description displays, I hope, basic patterns of intercultural cooperation practice in Europe which may be relevant as well for other groups such as teachers and pupils.

Seite 56-71, Heft 2/1993, Band 4